Saturday 15 December 2012

Fashion show

For Christopher Bailey, the title of his newest Burberry fashion show is towns and fields which represent two totally different worlds. But the designer wants to try this impossible task. That is like a metaphor of what the challenge Bailey will face to and that is to blend the entity and figures of Burberry. Compared to the work of stitching the three-dimensional pocket with herringbone patterns into tweed pencil skirt, this work seems to be too difficult to be completed. But this is just the way to show the audience the merge of towns and fields. Another exciting collocation is brown corduroy jacket outside of deep claret lace skirt and plenty ruffle on the waist with a belt.years

A pendulous hemline and fitted waistline are vintage details inherited from last fall of Bailey. Echo with styles of 1930s and 1940s, the last season tends to plain and harsh war age but this season pay more attention to natural beauty like adding more frilling to halter prom dresses. Another key dress is a pencil skirt with big pucker lace. That can reduce the monotony of the pendulous hemline. Whatever short coat it collocates with, it expresses the conception of towns. As to faille printed with flowers and the layers of tassels on tailcoat of model Jourdan Dunn, woolen herringbone jacket, cotton coat with cap, and patterns of some usual animals in villages like sparrow, owl and dogs sewed in dresses or printed on plus-size striped T-shirt, they also well express the idea of fields. A broad green cardigan is a must for village life. But their swing backs reveal their chic and flexibility which belong to towns.

 These works fully reflect the conservative and restrained aspect of Bailey. The differences between towns and fields are successfully copied into v neckline evening dresses of the whole series in which Burberry’s skilled overcoats and Bailey’s inexhaustible illusions and inadvertent and young youth feeling collectively woven a moving story. And that idea nearly makes people feel sad spontaneously. Glorious youth will inevitably lose its glory. Maybe that’s why rain always shows in the world Burberry builds. This fashion show goes into a climax during an ingeniously arranged thunder roaring. Thunderclap are just like rapid drumbeats beating on sheer tent and at the same time human made rain are pooling into the umbrella hold by models. Then, here is another bold guess that maybe rain is a metaphor for countless money irrigating Burberry.

So that is the fantastic part to see a live fashion show yourself. The whole world is frozen in this moment. All you can feel is the countless fantasies and deep immersion. I can still remember a wonderful fountain show in Hangzhou, China. It has three chapters and each one plays a beautiful song with grand and beautiful fountain show. Everyone is so obsessed to forget to talk or breath.

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